  • 產(chǎn)品名稱:mTRAPLysisBuffer

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  • 產(chǎn)品廠商:ActiveMotif
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Brand mTRAP?
Characteristics mTRAP Lysis Buffer consists of 200 mM Tris (pH 7.5), 200 mM NaCl, 500 mM GTC (Guanidine Isothiocyanate) and a proprietary mixture of detergents

Composition 200 mM Tris, pH 7.5 200 mM NaCl 500 mM GTC Proprietary mix of detergents 's Lysis Buffer is supplied in the mTRAP Kits. It consists of the chaotropic reagent guanidine thiocyanate for isolation of poly A+ mRNA. 's Lysis Buffer is suitable for lysing any type of cell or tissue, while maintaining RNA integrity. It is suitable for tissues high in RNases or some similar proteinase (e.g. Proteinase K) should be added to the Lysis Buffer to a final concentration of 200-400 μg/ml prior to use. The final concentration of Protease may need to be optimized for each type of cell lysate. Use 15 ml Lysis Buffer for up to 1 g of tissue or 2 x 108 mammalian cells. For complete information, obtain mTRAP product manuals from one of our Technical Service departments, or download one at www.activemotif.com.

Restrictions For Research Use only
Storage RT
Storage Comment Store at room temperature. If a white precipitate develops, heat the buffer at 37°C for 10 minutes prior to use. This product is guaranteed for 6 months from date of receipt. Caution Lysis Buffer contains the corrosive guanidine thiocyanate, a strong denaturant. Exercise appropriate caution when working with this solution, including the use of gloves, a labcoat and protective eyewear.
Expiry Date 6 months